Meeting minutes 9/27/2011
KL PAT told the group CABVI was hosting a Dining in the Dark event Oct. 15 with an admission price of $100. She also presented a thank you note from Leader Dogs with a patch for our banner.
LION BOB updated the Lions on the pancake breakfast and distributed extra tickets. The breakfast is Nov. 6 at the Knights of Columbus.
LION JOHN P asked everyone to have their placemat ads in by the second meeting in October. He said so far $1100 has been turned in.
KL PAT said Assemblyman Bill Magee will donate syrup.
LION LEIF announced a fundraising postage stamp collection and offered to chair the project.
SARA told the group about recreational opportunities in Sherrill and asked for input in upcoming activities.
KL PAT said the Nov. 8 meeting will fall on Election Day, and suggested we move it to Nov. 9.
LION LEIF gave a treasurer’s report and it was accepted. He also updated the group on the Enjoy the City books and distributed them.
LION MIKE gave the secretary’s report and it was accepted.
LION MIKE SMITH was removed from the membership rolls in good standing.
The CLIP Tray raised $13.07.
The 50/50 awarded $20 to KL PAT.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.