Thursday, November 8, 2018


Sincere kudos to our Leos helpers from this past Sunday's annual pancake breakfast! We couldn't do it without you!
Elysia Carbajal
Morgan Durr
Morgan Hollenbeck
Laurisa Marji
Molly Moyer
Jessie Russ
Ella Ryan
Jude Ryan
Makaylah Waligur

Friday, June 15, 2018


Congrats to this year's raffle ticket drawing winners -- Scott Dick took the $250 cash prize, Mike Martin the $100 Lakeview Restaurant gift certificate, and Ashley Reisman won the $50 gift certificate to 31 Express Deli. Kudos to all!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

OFFICERS FOR 2018-2020

Introducing our 2018-2020 officers, from left, secretary Mike Jaquays, lion tamer Leif Nicolaisen, treasurer Bob Visalli, president Joe Todd, 1st vice-president Wendy Chamberlain, tail twister Jerry Baker, and membership chair Loyal Canning. Absent is 2nd vice-president Chuck Pendleton.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Congrats to this year's $600 scholarship winners, Vernon-Verona-Sherrill Central School senior Bridget Finnerty and Oneida High School senior Brianna Lauretti. Sue Miller, widow of longtime Lion Ed Miller, also presented the first scholarship in his memory to Alina Janowski, a senior from VVS. From left are Lion Wendy Chamberlain, Brianna, Sue, Alina, Bridget, and Lion Steve Johnson.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

OFFICERS FOR 2018-2020

It's official! Here is the new slate of officers serving two-year terms for 2018-2020:

President: Joe Todd
1st VP Wendy Chamberlain
2nd VP Chuck Pendleton
Tail Twister Jerry Baker
Lion Tamer Leif Nicolaisen
Treasurer Bob Visalli
Secretary Mike Jaquays

Congrats to all!