Wednesday, June 6, 2012


ONEIDA -- The Oneida-Sherrill Lions Club will hold their second annual tag sale on June 8 and 9 to benefit their projects for the sight and hearing impaired.

The sale will be at the home of Lion Brenda Manaseri at 4862 Rt. 365 in Oneida and will feature items of all kinds. Donations are still welcome -- no items are too small and furniture is also welcome.

For pickup or more information, call Manaseri at 363-4058, Mike Jaquays at 280-0692, or John Musgrove at 363-8874.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Lion John Musgrove and granddaughter Sierra Bloom cook up some tasty burgers.

Lion Bill Brewer at the grill.

The dessert table.

Some 40 seniors from the Towers and Hazel Carpenter Home in Oneida, N.Y. and Noyes Manor in Sherrill, N.Y. enjoy a picnic with us.

Lion Lou White assists in the bingo game.
Lion Mike Jaquays pours beverages.
Lions John and Grace Perretta serve the burgers, hot dogs, sausage, and sides.

Lions Lou White and Pat Fearon help the seniors with their selections.
The heads of our organzation -- King Lion Pat Fearon on left and senior citizen picnic chair Honest Bob Visalli on right.
Honest Bob Visalli calls the bingo game.

Volunteer Sierra Bloom helps give out the prizes in the bingo game. Honest Bob's daughter Erin also helped us out -- thanks ladies!